

Organic farming is an integrated method that originated in the 20th century in order to change the existing farming practice and strives for sustainability and enhancement of oil fertility. The method is being encouraged in many countries and is internationally regulated and also enforced legally in certain countries. This support is given to enhance the current practice by eradicating the usage of synthetic pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers. This is a method that can help us have a healthy and happy life. This type of farming relies on many organic practices like green manure, compost manure and gives the best product. IFOAM –International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements is an International umbrella organization for organic farming that was developed during the year 1972. In 1990, the organic food market had grown drastically.


Organic systems use only natural pesticides and fertilizers like pyrethrin which is a natural pesticide is found from a flower called chrysanthemum. They involve farming procedures like crop rotation, green manure, compost, biological pest controls, and mechanical cultivation in order to produce good and quality items. The biological process by the microorganisms brings out the natural nutrients from the soil in the complete process.

The microorganisms used are like mycozzhiza that nourishes the soil with natural nutrients and from which the plant absorbs the nutrients. Generally the plants require nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, micronutrients and the fungi with other organisms to get the best quality. Intercropping can help in increasing the nutrient ion value of the soil as it is used for pest and insect control. At the same time residual waste from the crop can be put back for the next process.

Biological research proves that soil organisms help much better in farming with various bacteria and fungi into the use.


  • Organic farming greatly reduces the health risk like cancer and other major problems that are caused by artificial pesticides.
  • The most important factor is the taste which is extremely delicious as it has the nutrients in the right proportion that yields healthy crop.
  • Protects the earth our motherland and stay in harmony with the nature.